
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Chapter 3

IT WAS a typical day in Manila where chaos takes a life of its own and nothing makes sense even when you think it does.

In an upscale apartment complex rising above downtown Makati City, Ali was sitting comfortably in a simply furnished but expensive condominium unit. Where else in the world could a wanted man hide in such plain sight?

A program in his notebook computer held encrypted names of sleeper agents. Terror groups had long since learned that to keep in shadows, they too must adapt and use technology to their advantage. Sure they had to avoid using such modern conveniences like satellite phones or mobile phones that certainly could be traced and listened to.

But his American built and designed computer was an exception to the rule. Highly intelligent and arrogant, Ali failed to find it rather ironic that the notebook computer he was using and patronizing was built by his perceived enemy. Terror groups had learned a thing or two from crackers--- that closed systems like his notebook computer that had never connected to a live network could never be accessed except through physical access to the machine. It was after all the first tenant of network security.

Terrorism had learned this trick from Crackers. The latter (a hacker that breaks into computer systems and create havoc) though unaffiliated with the former because though they intend to break and vandalize computer systems, both groups do not necessarily share each other's philosophy. Even bad guys need to have some semblance of order, such as it is.

Ali after a couple of seconds of searching for the right agent, he quickly picked up his mobile phone that a leading Philippine Telecom sold to him. He had no problems using it. For less than US$5, he had acquired a SIM card that would allow him access to a Telecom provider in the Philippines.

Calls made to and from his prepaid SIM card number would not be logged in the telecom provider's system. No record would exist that Ali bin Faruq had ever owned that number and who he called and when. Except of course if electronically the Americans would catch his unencrypted phone conversation with his agent but they were talking in code that would ordinarily would not flag attention. Living and working in the Philippines certainly had its advantages.

“Juan, please prepare fireworks. have them delivered on site.” Fireworks were of course, illegal in the Philippines but for some reason easily acquired.

“Of course my good friend!” the other man on the line replied enthusiastically. “We will deliver it to the address that you mentioned”.

With that, Ali killed the connection. You can never be too careful. He dialed another set of numbers.

“Tomas, are you ready with the telescope?”

“Of course my good friend!”

“Our friend needs it to see clearly”.

“We will deliver it to the address that you mentioned”.

With that two sleeper agents had been activated. They would receive packages in other ways. But now these two would know what was expected of them.

Ali then turned off the phone, removed the battery and discarded the SIM card. It was cheap anyway. He then got another pack, opened it and inserted it into his Finnish made phone. Never use the same number more than twice. It was their operating rule.

When Ali had changed and discarded his SIM card, he forgot that the mobile phone he was using may be made in Finland but the company is currently owned by several American investors that had helped it to keep on developing new and better phones.

He then booted up a second computer, this one connected to the Internet and started to open his MSN Messenger and his Yahoo! Messenger as well as open a web page to his bank. Little did he realize that the Internet was a product of an American Defense Department Program intended to keep the United States running and able to fire Nuclear weapons in spite of several critical infrastructure collapsing. And since that time, how many other nation and race around the world had contributed to making the Internet the way it is now?

While he was slaving away, the television set a few meters from his table was tuned into Cable News. The reporter was narrating the horrifying events of the day. The mutilated body of a dead British-Iraqi humanitarian was found. She had been recently kidnapped while in a convoy headed towards a hospital that their UN sanctioned organization was helping put together for the benefit of the people of Iraq.

“Praise Allah!” Ali uttered in Arabic, “the bitch is dead.” He then continued on with his work. There was more work to be done, he knew. With that he began transferring some fund from his Swiss bank to the bank in Manila and in multiple US$10,000.00 amount totaling US$100,000.00.

With messages sent to his various agents, who in turn would prepare for their assigned missions, just as soon as they would receive their hand delivered orders.

It was indeed the start of a good day.

HALF WAY around the world. A subbasement located in a nondescript building complex in Virginia captured Internet traffic. Relay stations all over the world directed Internet traffic to this site.

One particular use--- software built hidden into bank systems--- suspected accounts of known terrorists where constantly monitored. Hackers all over the world were patriots too and some of them had also lost loved ones to Terror attacks over the years.

Ali bin Faruq, whose name is not listed on the account--- it was a numbered account had often used this bank.

Multiple transactions occurred routinely. What flagged this particular account was intel acquired from a recent source--- a captured terrorist that the opposition had not yet know about.

An hour into his “interview” he had already reveled numbered accounts in various banks all over the world. Terrorists like everybody else needed banks to transact business after all.

The software recorded the originating IP--- Internet Protocol address a series of numbers separated by dots that identify every computer on-line and its particular location in the world. The software was also sophisticated enough to recorded the time, date and particulars of the account transaction. Then it filled the data into its database for future use.

Machines routinely did this. But humans are humans and the gargantuan volume of information is just too much for anyone department or government to process outright. So this particular data would be filled and sitting hidden in banks of data until someone searched the system and pulled it out.

No one in the immediate future did, researchers, agents and governments would later learn. It would be useful in piecing together threads in a story, after the fact not that the dead would worry about that, just the survivors.

SHIFTING THROUGH an Ocean of Information even for the fastest, most powerful computer in the world was a gargantuan task on itself. Computers and their software were intelligent but not that intelligent.

Australian ECHELON monitoring stations picked up a short chatter between two numbers in Manila. The conversation didn't flag any particular keywords. The software also noted that it was immediately terminated, not enough data for voice-print-analysis that could confirm if it were a conversation between suspected terrorists. So it went on to the next traffic: two sisters talking about nothing but blowing up cakes for their respective husbands' birthday parties...

The term “blowing up” was listed as a keyword. So the program logged that in. But the software's Artificial Intelligence noted that this probably wasn't related to any terror network. So it discarded this data.

If it could think, it probably would have thought, “better luck next time”.

* * *

GHANIM BIN ATIF was the Malaysian Diplomat. He was Muslim and very religious. He had come to Manila because years of hard work and high level talks by the governments of South East Asia was finally paying off.

And it was one of his own people who first brought this idea out a few years ago, wasn't it? He was highly revered and brought Malaysia into the 21st Century. He was a great man with great vision.

In a few days, the people in this part of the world would find itself in a very different one. Of course it was no secret. But the News Media, being what it is had focused too much these days on recent events in the Middle East and had forgotten about the daily business going on in Asia.

The public too had forgotten about ASEAN. It was a normal ordinary thing for them. It was South East Asia's club. People didn't realize that the work their governments had actually been doing in the past few years were all towards this point. It was the next step.

Ghanim was running through his speech. Everyone would be speaking in the meeting. Thinking back, Ghanim thought that it was indeed a lucky break that the ministers who set this plan in motion probably didn't expect it to be in motion more than twenty years after the fact and half a century since ASEAN's inception. It was all coming together.

In a few days, he and his fellow ASEAN Ministers would help change the world and unlike those crazy extremist, for the better.

Then suddenly, he caught the attention of the news. Reaching out for his television's remote control, Ghanim increased the volume.

The reporter was narrating the recently discovered mutilated dead corpse of a kidnapped Iraqi humanitarian.

Anger rose within Ghanim. He knew of that person. She was a kind hearted soul who gave more than a third of her life to helping people in undeveloped and often war-torn countries. And this was how those monsters returned that kindness?

Immediately he felt ashamed as the the reporter mentioned that these Muslim militants were already claiming the deed. Then Ghanim thought, he should not be ashamed. His faith of course told him that such extreme action could not be the work of true Muslims. Such butchery was the work of animals.

He then turned the volume down and went back to his speech. He could not do anything for that poor lady. But with the step he and his fellow ministers were doing, they were advancing the hopes and dreams of the people of South East Asia.

Ghanim thought, Maybe if the people of South East Asia could show the world that here we are diverse and though we may still be divided by our racial prejudices, we are working to advanced people's lives. There be no need to sow fear.

Ghanim bin Atif was of course an optimist by heart. Who could blame him as they were in the threshold of a new era? It was indeed an exciting time.

IBRAHIM SULAYMAN was proficient with using Open Source Technology. Not exactly Bill Gates' approved software, but his powerful Debian Sid Linux operating system and the free software that went with it had enabled him to build a multifaceted system that included Gates-developed software which when you asked Ibrahim he paid for in full market price.

The future of computing as many industry insiders believed and few media pundit believed was going to be an “Open” one. Network computing was the big thing the industry was riding on and had been for the last fifteen years. The battle ground now was to capture middleware market share because that glued everything from PCs to PDAs to mobile phones and even TVs and from automotive manufacturing to finance to everything else.

It was happening right now. Ibrahim Sulayman believed in that. So he used Open Source when applicable of course. After all why would giants like IBM, SUN and Microsoft wage war on the Middleware?

Ibrahim was testing out his sniffer program behind his firewall which he freely downloaded off the Internet. It was Open Source as well. It had taken him the better part of two days to debug the code. It was a complex program that does a lot of packet and port scanning.

Running through several diagnostic software, he soon discovered someone was using his email server as relay. He thought the machine was fool proof. but obviously he was wrong, Ibrahim thought.

Just for fun, he ran the sniffer program on it. Not really expecting much, he discovered the IP address of the source. Using his considerable computer skills discovered that the other machine was contacting a bank in Europe.

Not really meaning to, Ibrahim's sniffer program was able to pickup the user name and password of the customer. Encrypted though it was, his sniffer automatically ran his decryption protocols. It took awhile---- a good 15 minutes to discover it was a variant of one of his encryption systems. Soon he discovered that it was the username and password for a Swiss Bank transferring at total of US$100K into several banks in Manila that was being transmitted. The amount he found out was just enough to evade through the standard laundering legislation law of the Philippines.

Encrypting the captured IP address, and password data into one flash drive, Ibrahim set it aside. It was, he discovered, close to 7 o'clock in the morning. He had class in three and half hours and needed to sleep. Little did he realize that the information he kept on that flash drive would be of great use someday.

KIMI FUENTES had driven to school early that morning. She didn't have to have class until around ten o'clock. Though leaving before 7 o'clock in the morning, the rush hour traffic had started to pile up.

The young pre-med student was dressed simply and casually. She was looking forward to the day. It was going to be a light one with her mid terms done and conquered, the young lady was quiet happy with herself.

As the traffic jam seemed to have turned the road into a major free parking space, she ran her schedule from the mobile phone in her hand.

Whoa, it was Sam's party day after tomorrow.

She hadn't realized it was that soon. She hadn't had her dress prepared yet.

“Hello, Ate Olivia?”

“Hi Kimi! Good Morning!” Kimi forgot her cousin probably just woke up. “How are you today?”

“Still beautiful!” She said enthusiastically.

“Thats my girl!”

“Can you help me buy a dress for Sam's party?”

“Sure---! Wait wouldn't you want to do that with Sam?”

“Well yes--- I'd be asking her too.” She grinned to no one. “But I wanted you there. We can make it a girl's night out. What do you say?”

“All right, can I meet you at the mall?”

“Sure. I'll take care of Sam.”

“4 o'clock good for you?”


“All right, see you then. And bring plastic! I'm broke.”

“Don't worry about that! I still have some credits available! Bye! And thanks again! Love ya!”

“Love you too, bye.”

By that time, traffic had advanced maybe five meters since they started working. It was going to be a long traffic jam.

ALEX STARTED his work promptly at seven o'clock in the morning. He had class at around ten o'clock. It would only take him a hour to drive from Makati to his university. Which gave him ample time to check his email messages, answer them and perhaps resolve that pile of work that was increasingly rising from his to-do-list. Such was the typical work week for a busy young executive. But he was just a young executive learning the ropes from various masters.

Looking back at the little over three months that he had started working, Alex realized that he did enjoy it. It wasn't mundane as he thought in the beginning. In fact, he found the daily challenges to his mind quite stimulating. More than sometimes the boring classes his professors in university kept giving him.

Today, he was asked to cover Europe. Pretty much like any intern, Alex had rotations in various divisions of the company, being exposed to different groups and focus.

Right now he was in sales. His task was to coordinate with suppliers for optimum arrival of ordered material from Western Europe. It was easy. He had done this before. He found it easier in fact to talk with Westerners than Asians, with the former being more frank and straightforward and the latter harder to converse with. But that was his weird take on things.

He had two hours to finish this before he had to leave for school. It was a typical work day.

RYAN ANGELES ran through the latest reports from Alex's training officer, Sonny Gonzalez. Though Sonny typically hang out with Alex and watched over the boy like an over protective bodyguard, Sonny was Ryan's eyes and ears. He talked to the boy's professors at university. He discussed Alex's progress with the various staff in Angeles' company and he would have beer from time to time with Father Rey and they would talk about the boy.

As far as he could tell, the young Donovan had a bright future ahead of him. All those around him seem to think so. But when Ryan looked into Alex's eyes, his impression was that the boy was searching for something.

Perhaps a purpose?

Sonny didn't know but he had a feeling it would turn up all right.

LEE CHEN was entering the Philippine President's Office. He had talked with his friend Herman Montalban about his problem a few days ago. They had decided to take it to the Philippine President and their recommendation was that they could make discrete inquiries on the matter regarding the email Lee had received prior to his arrival in the Philippines.

The matter of course was of vital interest to ASEAN's future. He wasn't a seer to know the future. But the future right now seemed a bit dark though full of promise. It was the uncertainty that bothered him. Years of work could go down the drain and their hopes of establishing a more secure trade region could end up being another powder keg.

What choice did they all have other than to say yes? Lee asked himself. The benefits were great!

The Philippine President through his foreign minister, Dr. Montalban had graciously allowed for this meeting. It was only for a few minutes. The Singaporean Diplomat of course understood. The rigors of being chief of state was taxing in both a person's time and his physical wellbeing. Thankfully, the Philippine President was in excellent health.

“Your Excellency,” Lee Chen was greeted. They shook hands. It was an informal meeting.

“Sir,” Ambassador Chen started as all three got to their seat. “Thank you for meeting with me in such short notice and discreet manner.”

“Herman had told me about our little problem. How can we help?”

“We need your government to make quiet inquiries with the Taiwanese Government regarding their message to us.”

“Herman and I have been discussing it and the matter is a go.”

“I trust that you and he can work out the details. We need to keep this quiet... if only for a few days.”

“Can we confirm that as fast? We're little hard pressed on time, Herman”.

“Well, I can fly out there within the day. There is a flight there and I am booked.”

“Thank you, Mr. President.”

“There is nothing to be thankful for, Lee. This matter concerns us all. I am not sure if I am rooting for the matter to be true or not.”

“Yes, I have the same misgivings”.

“As do I,” Herman Montalban added.

“I will no longer take much of your time, Mr. President.” The Philippine President stood up and offered his hand. “Let's hope for the best Lee”.

“That we will pray on, sir.” As he shook President San Juan's hand.

EMILY GAIL SO was the university's top campus journalist. Her hard winning exposes had even landed her a weekly column with a major newspaper in Manila, the Manila Daily Inquisitor.

She had been working tirelessly the past month to expose Gambling within the school. She had a few leads. But none substantial enough to write. She was fast becoming desperate. Her usual contacts were quiet when asked. That was odd, she thought. Who were they afraid of?

She had to find out.

CHUCKIE KIM had a secret that neither his friend Alex Donovan nor Ibrahim Sulayman knew of. He was secretly addicted to gambling. He loved it. He hated it.

For months now, his bank account had doubled, tripled, got broken then risen and got broke--- like a roller coaster. He was now in a winning streak. The game tomorrow would bring him over the top--- with a win---. Was there any doubt that he would?

In his rush, Chuckie wasn't looking at were he was going. He only crashed into Gail So.

GAIL DIDN'T know what hit her. All she remembered where books and her PDA-PC T6A flying in all sort of direction. Then she crashed on the floor.

Chuckie being a few kilograms bigger than the thiner Gail, didn't fall on the ground but his things too flew off. Quickly he realized his mistake.

“I'm so sorry!”

“Would you watch where you're going?!” An irate So was saying.

“I'm sorry, OK?!”

“Fine”. Was all Chuckie said as he and Gail picked up the various things that were lying on the floor. They each handed each other the things that were not theirs.

“Next time, why don't you look where you're going, All right?!”

“Look, I said I was sorry. How many times would I have to do that?”

With that they left for each other's destinations.

Later that night Emily Gail So would discover the gold mine she was looking for. She also discovered the fool (in her mind) who practically collided against her, Chuckie Kim. She also knew him by reputation. Everyone did.

* * *

THE CHINESE POLITBURO had assembled. Intelligence was reporting some unusual activity from Taiwan. They also knew that it had something to do with the Dinner Party that was going to occur in the next few days.

They were worried.

PRESIDENT SAN JUAN sat on behind his desk at the historic Philippine Presidential Palace. He was about to make a new address. The people were looking to him for leadership. Today he would make an announcement that would further curtail the tide of gambling in the country.

“Thirty seconds, Mr. President” With that under the glare of the heavy lights, David San Juan calmed himself.

“Ladies and Gentlemen.” The President started. “In recent days we have had several campaigns to ward the threat of illegal gambling in the country.

We have had many such campaigns in the past--- all ending for naught. Your government is serious in curving this tide. I am submitting to the Congress, a bill for their consideration, to Legalize all forms of Gambling in the Philippines.

I know some of you would react rather violently--- its like admitting we can not curtail this illegal activity. Some--- the clergy most certainly will come out and say that we can not right wrong by another wrong. That this immoral act would further accelerate our society's plunge into lawlessness and immorality.”

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” The president said as the camera zoomed in on his face, “I tell you now it is a means to bring everything into the light of day. We intend to make what is happening day-by-day transparent.”

“No longer shall police be needed to guard and hide these transactions that everyone knows about anyway. No more will gambling lords have to hide their shady operations and this government will reap the rewards through taxes and reduce graft. That is the purpose of this new measure.

I hope that in the coming days, the Congress will after considering such act, approve it and deliver it to me and I shall sign it.

Thank you, have a good night and God Bless us all!”

* * *

CHUCKIE KIM was panicking. He couldn't find his pocket computer that held his bets. He was sure it was with him. Emptying his bag, he still couldn't find it.

Then he remembered colliding into Gail So.

No, it couldn't be, Chuckie thought. He reached for his mobile phone and started calling people. He needed to know where he could find Gail.

THE UNIVERSITY BASKETBALL championship game was the most attended match of the season. Old alumni came and cheered for their schools. Tonight was no different.

The Colosseum was overflowing with fans, students, former students for both University Ball Clubs. Colors flown and banners were being flown and the atmosphere was exhilarating.

“Alex,” Chuckie yelled over the loud noise.

“Yeah, man?”

“Could you hold these seats? I got to go to the men's room.”

“Sure buddy,” Alex said, not really hearing and was busy will a text message. It was from Sam Chen.

Chuckie started for the nearest exit and dialed a number. “I'm here, where are you?”

“By the hot dog stand”.

“OK,” he said as Chuckie quickly walked his way through to the hot dog stand. There she was.

“Hot dog?” Gail offered.

“Where's my PDA?”

“You know I owe this guy a twenty,” Nodding to the hot dog stand guy.

“Fine,” Chuckie said while he reached into his pocket and handed the twenty over to the hot dog stand cashier. “Isn't your dad a rich tycoon or something?”

“Well, my dad is doing OK.” She had a knowing smile painted across her face.

“I'm sure he can pay your hot dog.”

“Last I checked Chuckie, I had the upper hand. Besides with all your winnings, isn't it customary to share with your friends some of those winnings?”

“We aren't friends! Is this blackmail?! I figured you to be a nice girl.”

“I just need a favor.” She said and then took a sip at her cola, emptying the plastic cup.

“I just paid for your hot dog and soda”.

“Partly paid. I need information on the gambling thats been going on in school and you seem to be the missing piece.”


“Gail. Only my parents call me 'Emily'.”

“Gail,” Shaking his head. What was he getting himself into? “What makes you think that I know anything about gambling thats been going on?”

“Well for starters Chuck, your PDA is filled with your gambling records and stuff ---”

“You went through my stuff?!”

“Well, I HAD to find out who owned it! It just so happened the file was the first to open! Its not my fault OK?”

“Fine! I do it for fun OK? It's not like I'm hurting anyone.”

“I just want to know how it all works. Who do you go to--- what are the odds---”

“So you want me to help you get your expose?”

“Weeellll... I can put you in as a 'source'. I'm not comfortable sharing a by-line with you just yet.” Handing him his PDA. Her eyes were pleading with him. “Please?”

“Fine. I can visit your office tomorrow, around noon.” Chuckie said in defeat.

“GREAT!” She said as her face lit up with a smile. It was a beautiful smile, Chuckie realized.

“Now, If you'll excuse me I have to call this guy for my bet.”

“Oh, that's been taken cared of. I sort of called him and umm... pretended that I knew you... and you already placed a bet!”

“You did what?!”

“You were betting on our team, right?!”

“I can't believe you did that!”

“It was kinda fun, you know.” She started to walk away from him. “I had fun.” She flashed him her patented smile. Gail could see, Chuckie was still in shock.

She added, “And oh, Chuck? Before I forget, thanks for the hot dog and soda. My family owns a hundred franchise and that was number eight-eight, I think.” She grinned again.

“I bet about five thousand dollars, US. The guy said it was your minimum. He said to give the money to him tomorrow morning, first thing and that he can cover for you until then. You seemed to be a good customer of theirs so they waived the customary money down.”

She saw his face. Priceless! Gail thought.

“See you tomorrow lunch time OK?” She then raised two thumbs up winked at him, “rooting for the team.” Gail walked towards the press' area, happy as could be. She was after all still working.

BY THE TIME Chuckie Kim returned to his seat, his buddy, Ibrahim Sulayman had just scored a two pointer and the crowd went alive.

Chuckie started praying. He had exactly five thousand in his account. if his team lost, He'd be broke.

Tuition was also due next week. His credit was likewise maxed out.

He found himself cheering, “Go Team!” It was a matter of survival.

THAT NIGHT was a lucky night for Chuckie Kim. He had a sigh of relief when the final buzzer sounded. His school won and within the spread that Gail gave his bookie, he learned after giving the young woman a call.

* * *

HERMAN MONTALBAN gave Lee Chen a call that night. He had met with the Taiwanese Government regarding the message that was sent to Chen.

It was a go. Herman had already booked a flight back to Manila early in the morning. The Taiwanese representative would be flying with him, incognito of course.

Lee had called for an informal meeting. They all had to make plans and adjust for what is sure to be a shock for most people. Their initial plans was already a huge storm they were sure. Now this was a grandmother of a typhoon.

But Herman couldn't help but wonder, if this was a step in the right direction. Time to move forward and grabbed what sleep he could. It would probably what little he would get in the next few days.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Chapter 2

LEE CHEN ARRIVED at Kingdom of Thailand Foreign Minister's hotel suite. The two man, long friends on and off the international stage, shook hands.

“Lee, how are you?”

“Fine, Ar-Hama”

“Please take a seat”.


“Why such covert meeting? Is something amiss?”

“My friend, The Old Premier has told me that I should speak with you. May I show you an email message?”

“Of course.”

Lee opened his notebook computer and showed Ar-Hama Salae the encrypted email that was sent to him. “This was sent to me the night before I left Singapore.”

“This is your government email account?”

“One of many such accounts--- but this one is only known to some top officials of my government and now, at the Old Primer's behest be shown to our partners in Asia”.

“How credible is this?”

“That is what my government wants to find out. Do you think Manila can be trusted---?”

“Certainly Herman and President San Juan---”

“Yes, they can be trusted... but what about factions in the President's government?”

“Yes, but we have no other way to verify this. Other than your government, the Philippines have stronger ties there than we do.”

“There is no other recourse than to to let this out.”

“Thank you Ar-Hama, I will keep you informed about it.”

“Yes, this certainly colours our plans.” He said with a smile. “But we must be optimistic.”

“Yes... it certainly changes a whole lot of things. I must go old friend. Thank you for your advice and I will have a private audience with Herman.”

HERMAN MONTALBAN HAD been Philippine Foreign Secretary for three years now. He and President David San Juan had been college friends. Trusted implicitly by the Philippine President, Herman is well known and respected in the international scene.

In less than forty-eight hours the whole Asian region will be turned upside down or right side up--- which ever way you see it. Herman had been a part of that and saw it as a way to help Millions of Filipinos and bring Asia on top of the world stage again. Well, South East Asia at least.

His mobile phone chirped. It was Lee Chen. That was a surprise. Herman thought.


“Herman, this is Lee Chen. How are you old friend?”

“I'm fine Lee. It is great to hear from you. How are you Lee?”

“I'm all right Herman. But I was wondering if I could see you? It is of a matter of great importance.”

“Of course, my friend! When and where do you want?”

“How about now?”

“Certainly. I'm in the office--”

“Your office will be quite fine Herman. I'm four blocks away... I could be there in a few minutes.”

“I'll be here.”

“Thank you. See you in a bit.”

ALEX DONOVAN HAD completed his class for the day and had arrived in his “Uncle” Ryan's office. Alex had been working for Ryan Angeles since arriving in Manila in his off hours from school. It has been three months since he started school.

His dad and Ryan apparently had a conspiracy of sorts. He needed to learn a thing or two about business Dr. Donovan said, on top of his premedical school classes.

Right now his job had been to run an audit of the company's financial reports.
Boring. Alex Donovan thought. “reading financial statements are important to a future CEO”. His mind kept recounting the online conversation that he had with his mother. It would have been easier had his dad said it, so he could go to his mother for backup. but no. His mum said it. no appeal.

He should be taking up law instead of pre-med.

“Your having it easy,” his father had said. Which was true, Alex had to admit. Most people start in the mail room. He was Executive Vice President. He had little to grumble about. Besides, he had free lattes. Thats got to count for something, the young man thought. Alex was an addicted coffee drinker.

Back to work.

Just then his phone buzzed. “Alex Donovan”

“Alex? Could you come to my office?” It was Ryan Angeles.

“Sure. On my way.”

It took him all ten steps to enter the adjourning room.

RYAN ANGELES WAS talking actively with his visitor, a very beautiful young woman. Samantha Chen was wearing formal wear--- skirt and business jacket and dying to get out of and into some jeans and shirt. She was on official business for her father who wanted Ryan Angeles, President of the Makati Business Club to be present at the ASEAN meeting his father was organizing.

“Uncle Ryan, my dad extends his disappointment for not having come in person. He wanted to discuss with you business.”

“Let me guess, something very important came up---. Don't worry Sam, your dad and I have been friends too long. I know how he thinks. Besides, I am with a very beautiful, intelligent young woman, who I haven't seen since she left the country. Who wouldn't want that?”

“Thank you Uncle Ryan.”

“Well Sam, I was looking forward to seeing him but not entirely disappointed. My, you have grown up.”

“Well yes, Uncle Ryan. I'm a University girl now, at your alma mater no less. First year, business.” Grins. “Dad says I should thank you for pulling some strings last minute”.

“Well, it wasn't a problem. The brothers were easy. They're all pals and you're a smart intelligent young lady and daughter of South East Asia's top diplomat. So, how is University life going?”

“Its great! my best friend's studying there, she's taking up a pre-med course.” then as an after though, “I never thought studying business was ssssoooo boring.”

“Business? boring? Never!”

“Well, you make it look easy, Uncle Ryan.”

“You know, my nephew's going to the same University...”

“Really? your nephew? who? maybe I know him?”

“His name's Alex Donovan, pre-med... in fact he works here with me learning the business, which from the look from his face when I catch him, he finds it boring.”

“Well I don't know him. But he's Pre-Med? My best friend Kimi is Pre-Med. We go to the same school. Maybe she knows him...”

“Why don't you sit while I give him a call.”

Pressing a button on his desktop phone. “Alex, could you come up to my office?”

“Sure. On my way.” the young man replied.

“So Sam, what was it that your father wanted to talk to me about?”

“Well, he said to tell you that he is expecting you at the Embassy dinner next week. I got the impression that he wanted to discuss some matters with you in private prior to the dinner, but he left in such a hurry this morning... Anyway, he said to me to tell you that it is... 'of the highest importance' that you be there. end quote”.

“Hahahaha. Well that's your dad all right. You know, you're dad's a busy man. So much so these days if my sources tell me correctly.” Ryan said with a mysterious smile.

“Tell him that I'll be there.” Just then the door opened and Alex walked in.

“Uncle Ryan?”

“Come on in.” Samantha stood up and with one arm on her shoulder, Ryan introduced her to Alex. “Samantha Chen, this is my nephew Alex Dononvan.”

“Pleased to meet you Ms. Chen.” As Samantha extended her hand and Alex shook it.

“My so formal, what have you been teaching him, Uncle Ryan?" Sam said with a smile. "I'm Samantha but my friends call me Sam.”

“Well, its Alex.”

“You're Uncle has told me so much about you!”

“Sam is the the Singaporean Ambassador's daughter. She's here on behalf of her father and is going to the same university you are--- business right Sam?”

“And you're pre-med, he told me.”

“Yeah, I just started three months back---”

“My best friend, Kimi is also Pre-Med.”

“You're best friends with Kimi Fuentes?”

“You sound surprised.”

“Well she's like this so serious student— and you're---”

“I'm what?!” Mocking him.

Opposites of the spectrum, Ryan thought in amusement for all three of them.

“Look Alex, Sam you guys are obviously getting along.” Looking at his watch said, “Alex its almost time for lunch. Why don't you take Sam out to lunch--- and Sam, tell your dad he can expect me at the Embassy Affair next week. He and I can discuss matters then and if possible, I'd like Alex to be there as well. What do you think?”
Sam looked at Alex quizzically, “Alex can wear a suit?”

“You're hilarious,” Alex said.

“So off with you kids, old man's got to work.”

“He's throwing us out.” Alex said looking at Sam.

“Yeah.” Sam grinned. Turning to Ryan, “Thanks for meeting with me Uncle Ryan, and again I apologize for my dad's absence.”

“Nonsense, Sam. Your dad and I are good friends. I'll see you at the Embassy Dinner.”
“Sure Uncle Ryan!” She kissed him on the cheek. “But don't you want to join us for lunch?”

“I still have some work to do here and you youngsters get along so well. I'm sure Alex will take good care of you.” Turning to his nephew, “You better, Alex.” Mocking seriousness.

“Not a problem.”

Together they walked out of Ryan Angeles' office.

“So what do you want for lunch?” Alex asked as they boarded the elevator, which was “lift” to both.

ALI BIN FARUQ was running through some files on his notebook computer when his satellite phone rang.

It was a rare occasion that it did. The device has hardly ever been used. Terror networks had long since learned that using such modern communications technology was not the wisest course as the Americans and their allies with their electronic eavesdropping system where topnotch. NSA and ECHELON are probably now locking on to this signal and catching everything that they're going to say. Technology was not to be trusted.

This must be of great importance to warrant such call.

“The morning sun will rise again”. Then the line was broken.

Completely benign but the code made sense to Ali. He continued on with his work. It would be sometime before he would need to act on the message. He simply filed it away in his mind.

MARIE JENNIFER was a beautiful young woman. She grew up, a normal teen. Her parents brought her regularly to church. Suffice to say she has had an active church life.

Marie was into her junior year at the local university. She was doing all right. But she missed her boyfriend. They had gotten closer. He was an older man and had bought her this townhouse last year. Her parents were both living in the province while she studied here. They thought this place belonged to their old friend, Bishop Serge Gomez who was helping them out by leasing this house to their daughter.

Marie had just tried calling her boy friend four times. She missed him. They were both happy. OK, she admitted to herself that the relationship should it ever come out would be frowned upon most, especially by her parents. Well in her mind she thought they were both happy. They were in love, weren't they? Wasn't that the important thing?

It was way past lunch and she was hungry and so she started cooking and humming. She was very much happy. She continued humming to herself.

SERGE GOMEZ and the Bishops of the Philippines where gathered at Bishop Gomez's office. They did this as regularly as possible. The Catholic Bishops represented the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines and though there was an official representative of the Vatican--- The Papal Nuncio, the Bishops were doing the dirty work of ministering to the flock.

For over four hundred years, the Church in the Philippines had been instrumental in so many changes, for good and ill. This gathering of holy men have been more regular of late. They have been sensing their power losing its potency. And they are alarmed and threatened.

People, more so in the Philippines often make the mistake that men of the cloth are generally infallible. Perhaps because they are so closely associated with God that we mere mortals forget that holy men and women are human too. It is a myth that they have allowed to exist. Or perhaps because for more than four centuries these men and many like them have weaned Filipinos to their brand religion.

These men gathered together are no different. They seek to profit themselves.
Take Bishop Serge Gomez for example. Now as the meeting was breaking up, Bishop Serge Gomez could not wait for his contemporaries to get out and leave. Outwardly he had created the image of championing the fight against corrupt public officials. Sermon after sermon about the ills of society about the immorality of palace-size houses and extravagant wealth. Yet he kept his own dirty little secrets.

Saying good bye to his fellow bishops, Serge rushed to his ante room. He had already four missed calls. It was the same number.

He dialed it.

“Honey, I'll be there to pick you up in a few minutes.”

“OK.” Was the only reply.

“Honey” was Marie Jennifer Valdez. She was thirty years his junior. She was studying business management and her parents were close friends with the Bishop. She was also Serge Gonzalez's mistress. Neither parent knew of the relationship.

After changing to his street clothes, Serge Gonzalez opened his table drawer and picked up an envelope filled with bills. His Church's weekly earnings amounted to at least US$1K. He reported regularly 75% of it. Picking up “extra” cash and car keys, he headed to his church-owned SUV.

Over looking his window, you could see not three blocks away from the church a squatters area filled with small interlocking shanty houses. Perhaps that was one reason why Serge Gonzalez wanted to leave hurriedly.

He was anxious to visit Marie at their private townhouse outside his parish, ten kilometers away from windows overlooking shanty houses.

KIMI HAD been working at her parent's mom and pop shop since she as far back as her mind could take. She knew the ins and the outs, had apprenticed under all the “departments”--- kitchen, counter, waitress, janitor, inventory and whatever else her mom and dad put her through.

Though sometimes she wished otherwise, Kimi Alison Fuentes enjoyed it. Most especially since the day she realized that whenever she had problems, all she had to do was think it through and found out the best way to do that was to do work--- the manual kind.

The Fuentes' Mom and Pop aptly titled “The Little Kitchen Shop” which was a combination of convenient store and restaurant, patterned after the Hong Kong kind (and so many others around the world) was a cash cow.

The Fuentes' and their only daughter would by just this shop would want for none until their great-grand-child. It was that lucrative for such simple business.
Kimi's family was a simple one. They had owned the four story building that had the basement for their small mom and pop. Kimi's mother, Elena Fuentes was a devote Catholic. Her dad, Daniel Fuentes was the typical Asian dad, strict with their daughters, well not just Asian but almost all, if not all fathers were over their kids especially their daughters.

“Mom,” Kimi was saying, “Its just dinner at the embassy. One night.”
Her mother was still skeptical.

“One night, without curfew.” Her dad said between sipping coffee and balancing the store's books.

“Yes, dad”

“And what will you be doing? Drinking? 'hanging out with boys' with that friend of yours?”

“Yes, Sam will be there--- its her dad's party. I'm honored that she and her dad and her mom asked me too come. And yes, mom there will be wine, beer and so many other liquor. But you know I don't drink, not too much. And yes, I'm aware you met boys differently in your day mom. Dad, it's not like I'm getting married tomorrow!”

“Heaven forbid!” All her mom could say. Her dad's eyes darkened, as if ready to kill any young man who would marry his daughter.

“Mom, dad... it would be the perfect opportunity to meet people... not just people my age but people who make sense.”

“Dirty politicians.” Her dad uttered.

Just then, Kimi's elder cousin Olivia Cruz entered the kitchen.

“Hi Uncle Daniel! Hi Auntie Elena!” Kissing them in the cheek and putting their hands to her forehead (the latter, which is the Filipino greeting and sign of respect for an elder relative). “Whats happening here, Kimi?”

“Hi Ate (older sister in Filipino) Olivia—- i was just asking Mom and Dad if I could go to Samantha's party.”

“Ah, I see.” Turning to her uncle and aunt. “Auntie, Uncle, you know Kimi's a big girl now--- and the security in that place is top notch---”

“We're not worried about security,” Daniel was sternly looking at his niece.

“Uncle, Kimi's a big girl, she's smart, she's intelligent, she's beautiful and she's your daughter--- so responsible and respectful all thanks to you. Maybe its time to let her do somethings for her own reasons.”

“Well,” Elena Fuentes started. Then she looked at her husband.

“All right, Kimi you can go. Only if Olivia can go---”

“Wait--- Uncle, I can't.”

“No buts. Kimi goes only if you do---”

“Dad! Mom!”

“Kimi, listen to your father. I don't like it either but, with Olivia there the changes of trouble goes down.”

Kimi looking at Olivia, her eyes pleading.

Olivia, unable to resist her younger cousin's plea said, “Only if Sam says I could and when I say we go--- we go, is that a deal?”

“YES!!” And Kimi in delight hugged her cousin. Kissing her mom and dad, “Thank you!” Then both young women dragged each other to their room.

“We have to plan what to wear!” Olivia said.

“I have to tell Sam!” Kimi added.

“Its starting,” Elena Fuentes said. “Our little girl is growing up.” Then she made the sign of the cross.

“Yes,” Daniel Fuentes added. Then quietly they returned each other's attention back to their work, all the while still worried about their only daughter who they realized was growing up.

IT HAD BEEN many years since Father Rey graduated from the Society of the Divine Word (SVD). Now, the university chaplain had been for the greater part of the past decade, he was happy looking after young people and was expert at it.

It wasn't a surprise that every so often some young person would call on him and ask what he was doing. He had influenced so many young people. They just wanted to say hello.

Four months ago he got a call from one of his old university friends. It was Tina Donovan. She was a doctor now--- an oncologist of all things and based in Hong Kong where her family had lived.

They spoke over the phone about so many things. Too many good things had happened to both their lives. Then she came to her point. Tina had an ulterior motive. Which she apologized but after doing so, Father Rey thought, she had no reason to apologized. In fact, he was honored by the request.

Besides wanting to catch up with Father Rey. Tina talked about her only son, Alexander who was going to take up university in Manila, in Father Rey's university.
Tina Donovan had asked him a very special favour. She wanted Father Rey to look after him and to make him see the country for what it really was beyond the four walls of high priced malls and the jazzed up clubs. Tina wanted her son to be a person. But he must never tell the boy of what they discussed, she had explicitly said.

Father Rey was more than happy to do so and honored at such a request. So he made an extra effort to know the boy. Had even asked the Dean for his information and sought him out.

It took a mere hour to discover that Alex Donovan was a remarkable young man. Though average looking, he was an intelligent young man who got along with his peers rather easily. He wasn't an extrovert but somewhere in that gray area between that and being introvert.

He found out from the boy--- young man he corrected himself that aside from his studies, his parents wanted him to work for his Uncle Ryan, who wasn't really his uncle but a good friend of his parents. Now, Father Rey didn't know Ryan Angeles personally. But had met him once or twice and knew him by reputation and the Donovans couldn't have picked a better guardian for their son. It seemed to him, this young man's parents were preparing him well for his future.

He had ask Alex if he had sometime to help him out with some social work. Father Rey had worked tirelessly for the past year in an orphanage. It was a small publicly funded half-way house. The volunteers there had made a miracle about it, in spite of the shoestring budget.

Admittedly, he was surprised to hear Alex say yes. Pretty soon after that he began to take him to slum areas on weekend pilgrimages. At first, he thought very little of Alex. Maybe Tina had already spoken to the boy. But soon it became apparent that his interest was personal and not driven by being forced to see something entirely different.

Over the course of weeks then months, it became routine for them. People didn't see the young man as a foreigner. His mixed features of Chinese, British and Filipino and his ordinary looks made sure of that. But as the young man was interacting with the people, he could glimpse the sadness in his eyes at what he was seeing. Maybe something was getting through to the boy.

Father Rey did not know what to make of it for sure. He didn't press the lad. Maybe God had something planned for the boy. He just let it be both afraid to rock the boat and after knowing the boy all these months, Father Rey knew Alex would come to him if or when the time came.

Lifting his phone, the priest dialed a number. On the other end, Tina Donovan answered the call. They spoke the customary greeting, and asked if each was OK. Tina and Father Rey knew that it was honestly asked and so, the answer was honestly given.
Tina had secretly held her breath--- what if something was wrong with Alex? It was a natural thought, unfounded she knew in her heart of hearts but she was his mother, it was always a natural thing.

So Father Rey spoke about Alex. How much the boy had seen. How much he had yet to learn. He too was holding his breath for an entirely different reason. The young man had potential. He was secretly proud to be a part of his “education”, as the boy's mother so eloquently phrased. This young man was going the distance.

Tina Donovan had just chatted with her husband, who had just chatted by phone with a their good friend, Ryan Angeles. She had heard almost exactly coming out of her husband's lips. Their boy was doing OK and Ryan said he had potential, a huge one.

All four had been experts in their various chosen professions. They too were gifted parents, but being gifted have its own set of limitations. How little would they know of a person's future? One thing for certain, they would prepare Alexander Brandon Dovonan very well for all the curve balls life would be throwing at him.

ALEX HAD few friends in school. Well the true kind anyway. He knew a lot of people but the crowd that he hang out with were Ibrahim Sulayman and Charles Kim, the latter better known as Chuckie Kim. They did every project together and hang out pretty much everyday. Each brought something to their group.

Ibrahim Jacob Sulayman or I.J. (pronounced Eye-Jay) was descended from a long line of Malay, at least until the 18th century or so his grandfather was always telling him and his brothers. Not that he believed but not one to go against the elder Sulayman, kept his mouth shut.

IJ was the campus resident computer-boy. He was an extraordinary hacker--- but of course, like all great hackers was pretty much anonymous. By the time he was ready to enter university, Ibrahim had already devised numerous cryptographic systems that rival anything the NSA could make. He had already made a small pie out of his special talent and was now honing his skills for something really big. How big? IJ didn't know just yet but he was coding day and night for it, preparing.

Alex met him while needing to solve a particular computer problem for Ryan Angeles'. Being capable of hanging out pretty much with every crowd, he slowly came to discover IJ's very much hidden to ordinary preying eyes talent. Alex not being dumb in the world of computers was still amazed at IJ's raw talent.

One day, two months ago solidified their friendship when Alex offered IJ a position at Ryan's company.

“Alex,” looking at him straight in the eye said, “Your a great friendl. I'd be willing to work with you someday and we'll both make it big, but I won't work for or with anyone else other than you.” They've continued to be friend since then. But he would later discover he would work with one other person. They had worked on various other projects since then.

Chuckie Kim was a Korean who came into the country to study. He was intelligent but what made him stand out was his ability to deliver just about anything anybody paid him to acquire. Good, services, you name it, Chuckie Kim was a walking breathing outsourcing phenomena. He had contacts wider than Canada's frontier. Was it surprising that he became his group's go to person?

“Chuckie,” Alex was asking, “You think we can have those supplies Father Rey needs by week's end?”

“I don't know—-”

“Chuckie? What do you mean--”

“Dude, I was just kidding, the stuffs being taken care of. Its a done deal, Alex.”


Browsing through his Pocket PC computer, “IJ, hows the page going? When can we go live?” The group was creating a website for Father Rey's mission.

“If it were anybody but you Alex---”

“IJ, don't start we do pro-bono work every so often. Cleanses the soul---” just then they ran into a blind corner.

SAMANTHA CHEN had just gotten out of her first year chemistry. She hated chemistry. The only good thing was that she could take the class Kimi was in in spite of being in two different courses, the department allowed her since all the other business major class were filled up.

“Kimi,” with her grin from ear to ear, “Its great news your parents finally gave you permission to go!”

“Yeah! Isn't it great!”

“This could be the start of so many adventures together---”

“What adventures?!”

“Well for starters, you're the lady with the wheels...”

“Designated chauffeur then?” Kimi said, mocking Samantha.

“Weelll.. you know I'm not allowed to drive...”


“I'm kidding!” hugging her best friend.

“I know.” Kimi was smiling from ear to ear.

“So, when do we start boy-hunting?”

“Sam! you know Olivia's going with us!” hitting her in the shoulder.

“Hey! That hurt Kimi, really.”

“Well its going to have to wait. I have biology in five and its across campus. Later, OK?”

“OK, future surgeon, we'll talk later after your done. Send me a text?”


With that the girls parted ways. And Sam, checking out her phone messages ran into a blind corner.

IT WASN'T so much as a practical demonstration of physics as like setting off a nuclear bomb, two objects on a collision course with Alex Donovan being twenty pounds heavier than Samantha Chen. Remarkably neither one was hurt badly.

“HEY!” Samantha yelled.

“Oh, its you.”

“Well yes its me. Couldn't you look were you were going?”

“Well it seemed to me that it could work both ways.”
Standing surprised were Alex's two best friends--- IJ and Chuckie.

“Hey! You two, enjoying the view? Aren't you going to be gentlemen and help me up?”

“Oh, sorry!” IJ was the first to recover and helped Samantha to her feet. Chuckie on the other hand, helped Alex to his.

Dusting themselves, “Sorry about that” they said in unison. Then they had a laugh.

“Samantha Chen, meet my best friends--- IJ Sulayman and Chuckie Kim.”

“Pleased to meet you guys.”

“You said we were going to meet up before the party but, this is ridiculous. You could have at least prepared me and I would have worn some padding.”

“Some padding! What nerve!”

And Alex laughed.

“Uh, Alex?” IJ was asking. “Chuckie and I need to get to class, we're late. So give us a ring with that project of ours OK?”

“Sure thing, guys.” Still looking at Sam.

“Catch you later and nice meeting you.” Sam called back as the two young men left for their classes.

“So are you done for the day?”


“Surprise! I am too. Want to have a cup of coffee?”

“Sure. As long as your paying since I might have a concussion or something and for a four eyes, you sure can't see your way better.” She was the one wearing eye-wear.

“Concussion? Your fat behind?”

She hit him on the arm.

“That's for calling me fat... twice!”

Alex chuckled.

They spent the next four hours in conversation over coffee and cake, the latter Sam only tasted and Alex had to consume all by himself. “Women,” Alex thought when Sam got him to devour the cake that she ordered.

GENERAL GONZALEZ was the Philippine Armed Forces Chief of Staff. The old man was up for retirement in a few months time. He was in the Palace to have the mandatory retirement extended, the former being a law and the latter common practice by the Commander-in-Chief, the President of the Republic with decades of tradition and precedence.

Peter San Juan was the President's son. A Regional Governor in his own right, Peter was perhaps the second most powerful man in the country, outshining even the Chief of Staff and the leaders of Congress.

Shady dealings were both men's expertise. In the four years of the San Juan Administration, Peter San Juan and Ronaldo Gonzalez were the principal instigators of corruption. Ronaldo was meeting with Peter to discuss how best to approach the latter's father to extend the former's position.

Peter needed Ronaldo where he was at the moment. The Armed Forces was in the processes of acquiring modern equipment. Which is to say they were on a buying spree to acquire decades old F-14 Tomcats, Harriers, battleships and diesel submarines.

Ronaldo's expected successor was not so much a boy scout as not being in good terms with either man. Suffice to say the Vice Chief of Staff's loyalty lay with a different politician that neither men respected nor enjoyed the company of.

It was of course too much to ask for honor among thieves.

“Ronny, I'll take care of my dad. Don't worry about it.”

“Peter, I've been in government to know that politicians will back you up until its too much for them. I want an assurance now, damn it!”

“Look you know my father's taking some pressure for the Military's recent fiasco--- the crack down on those terrorists was played rather badly, General.”

“Under orders from the palace and not to mention so many others in Congress, to whom your father had to cave into---.”

“Still you must understand Ronny the media can be pretty loud especially when they such stupid things on air.”

“Whose side are you on, anyway Pete? We have a business arrangement. The boys up north are getting pretty antsy, they want to expand territories.”

“Then you better tell them to lie low! And you better send the message that thats important if everyone wants to go along as business as usual. The opposition is smelling blood and we might all be out looking for new jobs in a year and half's time.”


“Ronny, the announcement for your extension will be announced as soon as a new
news-cycle can begin. Just wait until the public and the newsies forget about the fiasco. Just a couple more days OK?”

“Just so you know, I know a lot more.” With that General Gonzalez stood up. “Is that a threat?”

“No, unless you want it to be. I'll see you in a few days, Pete.”

With that the General left the office and returned to the Officer's Golf club. Peter San Juan picked up his cellphone and speed dialed a number.

A PHONE was ringing. Sammy Ang took his time checking out who was calling. After about two missed calls, he picked it up.

“Pete, whats up man?”

“Sammy, I hear you guys up north are getting antsy.”

“Well, profits aren't what it used to be.”

“So you took a hit?”

“Enough not to be able to remit our average to you on time.”

“Listen, I want no excuses---”

“Look, dude it was your father who ordered the crackdown and we're taking a hit. The newsies are all over the place.”

“Fine. But you've got to understand that come May, if we don't do this we might not be able to give you the protection that you need.”

“Peter, peter, come May, if you're not in power someone else will be--- but that will greatly depend on support from your constituents. And you'll need us to provide that constituent as well as the funds to mount your little campaign. So don't threaten us. Get your father to ease up or you'll find yourself without the customary police escort.” With that he canceled the call.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Chapter I

LEE CHEN READ the encrypted email twice. These guys he thought were deadly serious. After all they knew his encrypted email account--- only five people in the world should have known about it. In his mind, that brought the message's importance up a bit.

He could understand the reasons why it was made through this “back-channel”. The ramifications of their actions--- and now this would send shock waves across the planet.

He decided almost at once that he must speak with the Primer--- Old One. Not the son. He must speak with the Father and then perhaps the Old Man would ask him to bring this to the son's attention. He needed advice on what course of action to take. After copying the message in his equally encrypted USB memory key, Lee Chen shut down his computer and prepared to leave.

The Old Man and he had a protocol, established when they started working on this. Has it been nearly 20 years now? And soon, the conditions were ripe to make it all happen. Flipping his mobile phone and hitting the speed dial it rang only twice, “Sir, I'm coming in”. That was all he needed to say.

“I'll be here”. The line went dead.

“May-Lyn,” He called his wife. “Please include this” pointing to his now packed notebook computer. They were making the things smaller still these days. “I'll be visiting our old friend.”

“Last minute preparation?”

“Yes, you know how delicate matters now are.”

“I'll take care of things here”. His wife said with a nod. Lee knew she would. As an afterthought, she called in after him. “Don't be long. Our flight for Manila leaves early tomorrow.”

Lee Chen heard but his mind, too preoccupied was elsewhere, matters were even now more delicate.

* * *

IT WAS A sunny day in Manila. Clear skies and a bright blue hue enlivened this hybrid Western and Asian City. Manila like Hong Kong and Singapore have strong ties with the West but unlike her sister cities, it was to America and Spain (the former more than the latter) that she showed allegiance to. The fact remain that the city and the country (the Philippines) as a whole speak English as a second language and the street signs--- well every billboard and just about everything else is in English attest to this nation's strong Western influenced past.

The streets of Manila these days, unlike those of five years ago was still crowded and jam packed with cars almost round the clock now and so very much unlike Bangkok was a few years ago. But Manila's streets these days are at least paved properly and unlike the chaotic street lines and signs of half a decade hence are now at least vaguely orderly.

Filipinos themselves are hybrids. They have had Western influences from up to four hundred years of their past. The country have seen the comings and goings of its Asian neighbors with China being a trading partner even before the Spanish ruled these islands. Walk Manila's streets and you would find people from an obvious diverse family heritage--- Spanish, Malay, Chinese, American, British, Indian, Arabic, and religion from the still dominant Roman Catholic Church and to the Muslims who have limited majority control over the South. Truly it is a culture mixed with a rich and vibrant past and this mingling is coming towards a collision course.

These days, the Roman Catholic Church who for centuries dominant in their control of the Economic, Cultural and Political landscape of this country is no longer a king (or queen as the case may be) maker. They are slowly relinquishing their supremacy to the stronger more potent influence of the Philippines' Asian neighbors.

Mount Olympus Tower--- sixty stories of business real estate rising over downtown Makati, Manila's Financial District is the real center of Economic Power in the country. What better proof than the Chinese Triad Overlord taking his office here?

The Triad, well this incarnation of it anyway was vastly different from the Russian Mafia or even the Triads from China from years ago--- and even to this day. Power brokers certainly with their seemingly endless pit of money and resources but the Chinese Triad didn't choose fame over money. They didn't covet unnecessary attention.

Charlie Young epitomized this. He was taught at a very young age by his father and now as Triad Overlord stay low-key, be frugal but when necessary, wield strength.

Earlier, Charlie Young, Filipino-Chinese, newly installed and recognized Overlord of the Chinese Triad walked into Mount Olympus unafraid by any threat to his person, shadowed only by his nondescript female bodyguard-assistant and his male bodyguard-driver. Employees of the various companies taking up residence in the building walked passed him. No one would have guessed that it was this man who owned the place and controlled their lives more than anybody would care to admit.

The Chinese Triad owned this place. it was laundered Triad money that made this building possible. It had been a full week now since the various factions throughout the City and the country as a whole recognized his authority. Now it was time to organize his new power base and what better way than to exercise his new influence than the seat of Triad Power in Manila.

THE FLIGHT FROM Singapore to Manila was routine for Samantha Chen. Her parents had already left Singapore a few days earlier and she was travelling alone. Not unusuual for her this was after all just routine. She had been traveling between the two cities all her life.

Seventeen years old and now entering University in Manila because her parents were both based there, she was happy to be back. She had terribly missed her friends. For Samantha Chen, daughter of diplomats and as crazy as it may sound to her cousins and friends in the small city-state Singapore was a place to visit, Manila was home.

The Boeing aircraft slowly began its decent. The pretty flight stewardess kindly asked her to fasten her otherwise loosed seat belt. Another stewardess--- probably the head of this crew announced to her team, landing stations.

For the next few minutes the plane continued its slow decent and two minutes later Samantha could hear the familiar thud signaling the plane had touched down and similarly the the engines whining as the Captain forced his aircraft to a crawl.
Looking outside, it was a bright sunny day in Manila and full of possibilities. Samantha Chen was glad to be back. She would see her friends soon and may be the party could begin anew.

ALEXANDER BRANDON DONOVAN's aircraft had just called in for final decent into Manila. It was his first time in Manila. His parents had forced him to continue University here. Raised in a Chinese-Filipino-British-American household, Alex knew full well in his roots and his diverse upbringing.

His maternal grandparents were Chinese Filipinos and his paternal lines could be traced back to both British and American societies. Dark eyes, black hair and slanted eyes, his features were average as well as his build. He stood five-feet and seven inches. But he walked with confidence in his stride.

Alex was an honor student through and through. But after entering university last year, his grades began to slide--- fearing that his new girlfriend the culprit his parents sent him packing for Manila. He would have threatened to leave the house for his girl but apparently she too was feeling the ire of her Chinese parents who were also not too fond of the influence Alex had on their daughter. Both parents were grooming their children for big things in life and was not about to let a little romance get in the way.

So Alex packed and now bound just in time for the start of university in Manila and other training his father had planned for him.

KIMI ALLISON FUENTES pulled her car into the Airport parking lot. It was a brand new Honda City that her parents just bought her. Kimi Fuentes was an only daughter and devoted to her parents. Model beautiful with her father's Spanish heritage showing she had started to gain the attention of the male population. But her parents, particularly her father would not have it, of course. There was something about fathers and daughters and how protective fathers were of their daughters. Samuel Fuentes was no different to his.

Kimi didn't mind, well truth be told she secretly was starting to like the attention the boys were giving her like a natural well-balanced person would at her age. In a few days she would be starting university.

Kimi wanted to take up architecture. But her father didn't want her to in spite of the fact that she had tons of drawings on her computer--- all designed via graphics tablet. It was her hobby, her passion to draw and she wanted to design structures. But her father wouldn't here of it. He wanted her to be a doctor. Doctors he said are all respected no matter where you go in the world. Being a doctor is a good clean, respectable profession. So at the behest of her mother, she enrolled at University aiming to be a medical doctor. She had the brains for it anyway but secretly Kimi was asking herself, did she have the passion for it?

The young woman set aside her concerns about the future. Today, she would be meeting her best friend from Singapore. They had been apart the last four years when Samantha had to go study in Singapore when her parents returned from their posting in Manila. But they kept in touch with she going there on summers to visit or Sam coming over here to visit. They were like sisters. Samantha was like the sister that she never had. They were best of friends.

So Samantha like the rebel that she was known for had asked Kimi instead of the embassy staff car to pick her up so they could swap stories and do girl talk. They had missed each other terrible and no phone call, text message, email or web cam could change that.

ALI BIN FARUQ entered Mount Olympus secretly through the underground entrance. Technically a fugitive and hunted by not only the Philippine Government but by most countries in Asia and by the ever powerful United States of America, Ali could still come and go as he pleased. Satellite tracking be damned.

Sure, it was a small inconvenience on his part to travel incognito most of the time but neither the possibility of capture nor the small price on his head toping now at US$5M could deter him from conducting his business.

Glancing at his watch as he entered the secure elevator that would whisk him to the top level of Mount Olympus. Powerful as he is, the Chinese Triad Overlord that controlled this territory had the full blessing and respect of his own masters. It was never good to be late.
But he and Charlie Young go way back. His friend would forgive him for being late, at least just this once. Being Triad Overlord counted for something regardless of the fact that they both got the same intelligence report and the Americans were a bit hot on his head after the attack he gave them in Indonesia just a few days ago.

The business they were to discuss was of the highest importance as Charlie secretly informed him when he sent the summons. Knowing his friend it would be an ambitious push. Everybody be damned.

SONNY GUTIERREZ WONDERED about his new charge, Alex Donovan. He had heard good things about the boy. Just like the maternal grandfather, honorable and Catholic like the mother. He was told that the boy was as and perhaps more intelligent than the father who he knew to be as honorable as his wife's father. Good upbringing had brought out the excellent breeding. But the boy, he knew was untested.

Why did Jack Donovan send his boy to Manila? Perhaps because he trusted people here more than any other place. He would find out soon enough what the boy was made of.
Sonny Gutierrez entered the Airport parking lot and soon enough found a spot. Turning off the engine and he got out, locked the car and made his way to the visitor's waiting area.
His mobile phone began to ring. It was Ryan Angeles.

“Sonny are you in the airport?”

“Yes, I'm on my way to the lounge now.”

“Good, get him settled in and come to the office after that.”

“Roger, boss.”

Sonny glanced at his watch. The boy should be getting off the plane now. Clipping his mobile phone on his belt, Gutierrez continued on his way.

A BLACK MERCEDES Benz S-Class S600 sedan pulled into the drive way of Villa San Miguel, official residence of the Archbishop of Manila. Bishop Gomez was riding at the back. He dreamed someday to live here. But he had long dismissed such ambition. He had too many disagreements with the Vatican most especially lately.

Like any organization, politics ruled the Roman Catholic Church. Here he was being summoned by the Archbishop of Manila for a “meeting of the minds”, the official call from the Archbishop's Executive Assistant said. As a good soldier of the Church of course he came. Was there a doubt that he would?

Looking out the window, he saw Father Derek Lopez, Cardinal Lim's Executive Assistant waiting by the door to usher him in. The driver had opened the door for Bishop Gomez and Father Lopez approached him and shock his hand with a warm smile.

“Most Reverence, good morning!”

“Father Derek, how are you? How's that gout of yours?”

“Much better now, thank you for asking.” Father Derek with hands clasped.

“The Cardinal is in the dining room and has asked if you would join him for an early lunch has he has had not the opportunity yet for breakfast.”

“Why certainly”. They made their way to the dining room. Father Derek opened the door and announced the Bishop.

“Your Eminence, Bishop Gomez.”

“Come in, come in.” Cardinal Lim said.

“Your Eminence, how are you today?” Bishop Gomez asked as he shook the Cardinal's hand.

“Fine, fine. Please join me for lunch.”

“Thank you!” As Bishop Gomez was taking his seat, Father Derek said, “Your Eminence, I shall be in my office should you need anything.” The Cardinal nodded and Father Derek slowly locked the door.

So this was going to be a private audience. Serge Gomez thought.

“Serge, I took the liberty of asking Sister Pascual to cook your favorite roast pork”. And a adequate serving for two men were on the table together with soda, fried rice and mixed vegetables.

“Thank you, I appreciate that”. Bishop Gomez said with truthful smile.

“Serge, I will get straight to the point”. The Cardinal said as they started having lunch.

“The Papal Nuncio had asked me to convey to you their concerns. The Church in the Philippines must move away from its traditional policy of interference with the politics in the country.”

“Cardinal, with respect--- it is the role of the Church to fight against any injustice!--- graft and corruption is an injustice in this country! It is our duty to be witness and to act---”

“Serge, I quite agree with the Vatican.” He said rather bluntly. “Before you disagree, let me tell you my reasons.”

“All right, I'll listen.”

“You see, the Church's history in this country has always been linked with its politics, most especially in the last two and a half decades. Yet look around you, we have been seeing a mass exodus of young people putting material and economic need before Christ. They don't want to listen to us. Too many couples are splitting up. Then there is poverty. Our job is to save their souls. It seems to me we have been caught up too many times in the past with politics that we have forgotten to be priests in the first place. How many did we accept to our seminaries in the last year? Barely a thousand. No one wants to be a priest.”

For two hours, two of the highest officials of the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines argued and counter argued while they ate roast pork.

SAMANTHA CHEN rushed out of the airport arrival area.


“Hi Sam!”

“Kimi?! Hey, I just got out of the airport were are we meeting?”

“You can just follow the--- wait! I see you!” Samantha panned her eyes across the crowd of people all waiting for loved ones or guests. Then she saw Kimi.

“Got you.”


Minutes later they were off the Airport property and headed to Makati.

“Nice car, Kimi.” Samatha was grinning from ear to ear. Kimi had already told her about the car her dad bought her a week ago.


“So, I'm hungry. When do we start boy-hunting?!”

“Sammy! Don't ever let my dad hear you!”

Both women laughed. Soon they started their unending stream of girl talk as Kimi drove them to Makati business district.

ALEX DONOVAN phoned in the number his dad gave him. He was to meet a Mr. Sonny Gutierrez, an old family friend. Whoever he was, Alex thought, the man was late.

“Hello, Alex?”

“Yeah, Mr. Gutierrez?”

“Yes, where are you?”

“Well--- I'm right outside the airport... Where are you?”

“I'm at the waiting lounge under the letter “D”.”

“Ok. I see the lounge and on my way there. See you in a few minutes.”

Pushing his cart with his bag of clothes and his notebook computer, Alex found his way to the waiting lounge. Sure enough.

“Alex?” A man about Alex's height, brown skinned asked him.

“Mr. Gutierrez?”

Both men shook hands. “Let me help you with those... and call me Sonny everybody does.”.

“Thanks, Sonny.” Alex smiled as he handed Sonny his bag of clothes as he lifted over his shoulder the notebook computer.

Sonny brought Alex to a Toyota Rav4 and they made their way to Alex's new home in Makati. They had been driving for awhile and Sonny continued their small talk.

“So Alex this is your second time in Manila?”

“Well yes, my parents brought me here when I was a little boy. But I barely remember it.”

“Thats good, thats good, here we are”. Pointing to a condominium building just in the outskirts of Manila, very near Manila Bay.

As they got off the elevator to the 15th floor, Alex asked, “I understand this land is reclaimed from the sea?”

“Thats right. The developers were given authority to turn this area into a commercial-residential zone.”

Entering his spacious unit. “This is home for you.”

“Whoa”. Looking around. “Nice view.”

“Your father spared no expense.” Sonny grinned.

Sonny's phone rang.


“Sonny, Ryan.”

“Boss? We just got in Alex's new condo.”

“Great. Could you put the boy on the line?”

“Sure, boss.” Turning to face Alex.

“Alex, my boss wants to talk to you.”

“Sure thing.” Reaching for Sonny's phone, “Hello?”

“Alex? This is your Uncle Ryan Angeles, I'm a good friend of your dad. We spoke on the phone in Hong Kong.”

“Good to hear from you Mr. Angeles.”

“How are you settling in?”

“Sonny and I just got in. This is great Mr. Angeles.”

“Call me Ryan--- or Uncle Ryan, Alex.” He wasn't really family. Ryan Angeles and Alex's Mum and Dad were best friends in University. Ryan also courted his mother or something like that--- his parents were always quiet about that. They always say that all three had been friends since University and that was it.

“Sure sir--- Uncle Ryan.”

“Listen Alex, I'm just getting off a meeting, may be we could have lunch.”

“Sure. Where shall we meet?”

“Well, there's a Japanese restaurant not far from where you are. Its over at the Hyatt. You like Japanese son?”

“Well I think Japanese Girls are cute and pretty, Japanese men--- I don't do stuff like that.”

Laughter could be heard over the phone.

“You'll do OK, Alex. Sonny knows the place. Tell him we'll meet there in 20 minutes--- its a short distance from your condo.”

“Sure thing Uncle Ryan. See you in twenty. bye bye.” With that the line went dead.
Handing Sonny his phone back.

“He wants us to meet him at the Hyatt in twenty minutes. There's a Japanese restaurant there?”

“Yes there is. I know of the place.”

Alex locked the his new home and he followed Sonny to his car to meet with Ryan Angeles.

CHARLIE YOUNG ENTERED the spartan conference room of his Mount Olympus Office. Every Boss stood up and shook his hand. He and Ali shook hands and hugged.

“Ali! I was afraid you would not be able to make this meeting.”

“Well, you called... we” panning his eyes across the room, “could not refuse such invitation from our leader.”

“Please lets all take a seat and I will get to the point”.

After everyone had settled down, Charlie Young began the meeting.

“As you know the day we all worked together, and coordinate our plans was the day profits began to pour in. Thats the bottom line in each of our businesses. I propose lady and gentlemen two things--- to expand our businesses with those of our partners in Asia and to strengthen our control over politics in the country.”

Ali spoke first. “We now control through our different organizations pools of politicians, media personalities the works. What are you saying... the only thing we have not yet done is make a play for the Presidency. Now with regard to the first part of your plan, we've tried that before my brother--- with limited success.”

“What I want is for the Triad--- we all here under one banner make this play.”

“What are you saying Charlie?” Victoria asked. “That we seed control to you?! Certainly out of the question!”

“My dear Victoria, I am not saying you seed control of your organization to me. All I'm saying is that we formalize our agreement and take it all to the next level. You all retain command of your various organizations and retain your present quotas but I ask only a small increase in your tribute to me--- and seed all long term agenda's to this Council. In short Victoria, you can do whatever you want so long as it does not impede on our goal to dominate Asia.”

“You want us to be a conglomerate--- in fact as well as in name”

“That is correct Alejandro.”

“Do we have your word that all long term strategies of this organization must be approved by this Council?”

“Of course, Peter. I have no desire to concern myself with the daily operation of your various businesses. In fact I have no problems admitting that such move will be detrimental to our goal of dominating Asia's underworld.”

“All right, granted such agreement is in place--- what guarantee”

“Sammy, Sammy for a gambler you ask about guarantees”. Charlie said with a smile. “I will not lie, it is a risk--- but with our combined resources, surely this new business venture will bring us more profits.”

Pausing, “We each here bring unique skills and opportunity. Ali among all of us here certainly has the firepower; you Sammy have an extensive network of operatives deeper than all of ours combined; Peter your prostitution network is a gold mine of information, for what man can resist a woman's spell? Victoria, yours is a money making venture to rival Sammy's Gambling. Lady and gentlemen, we can rule this country under our grip!”

For shrewed entrepreneurs they took their time discussing the finer details. By the end of the day, Charlie Young had solidified his power base.

It was time to begin the game.


The view from the top, fifty floors up to be exact--- there's nothing quite like it! Of course the man who stood in front of his window gazing at the magnificence of the city before him with a mug of iced earl gray tea on one hand knew that. It was why he had the place built in the first place.

We have come a long way
, he mused. A life time of worth of experiences taught him that beginnings were important. This night of all nights reminded him of that. He asked himself, had he known would those very same choices be made, or did life's circumstances forced him to make those choices?

Without a second of hesitation he would have made the very same choices and knew it was a little of both circumstances and will that got them all this far.

Then he thought about his father and would he have approved of the choices his only child made? He laughed at himself, probably not. It amused him that even now, so many years have passed, both his parents long gone, he still sought their approval. Perhaps this was as it would always be. He knew his own children did the same.

Behind him, his mind registered a woman stirring under the comfortable bed covers. His beautiful wife for more years now than he had fingers and toes. Closing his eyes, he can remember everything there is about her---- from every freckle, every curve, every expression, every frown. Even her scent--- his mind could in a moment's summon make her alive. Her every smile, her laughter, the sharpness of her mind, the clarity of her heart and the beauty of her spirit that captivated him then and still enchants him now. If there was something to be thankful for other than their children, he thanked God that He had blessed him with such a beautiful, extraordinary and magnificent wife.

The man still remembered in an unguarded moment that his wife once called him, her “soul mate”--- or some rubbish to that effect. Of course being the man that he is, always believed that it was the moment that she knew their love for each other was true. It was the same moment that he did find out himself.

He loved her, there was no denying that.

The clock by the bedside, illuminated by a gentle light read 2 o'clock in the morning. Why couldn't he sleep? He knew the answer to that of course.

It was The Day.

It was around this time on this very same day all those years ago that life threw him a curve ball. It was a night--- no morning he corrected himself so unlike this one that put him of this course.

As a student of history, he knew the past was practically littered by so many women remembered some because of their accomplishments and others because they were the sign posts that changed the direction of history. A bible reader would have Eve for example at the top of their list, mother of the human race if one believed in the Good Book. Then there was the Virgin Mary that Catholics everywhere believed gave birth to God's Son who redeemed the world.

There were many others like Cleopatra who ruled a kingdom already ancient when Christ was born. And then there were scientists like Currie or politicians or artists throughout history. Lately some scientists by following our bloodlines in the genetic sort of way are now saying that the entire human race could be traced back to a tribe--- through the combination of acherology, study of the climate and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or a woman quite possibly an “eve” in what is now known as Southern Africa. Now the feminists would probably be spinning all this right about now.

Why did he think these thoughts? Of course it was all about her and his promise never to forget the one woman who set him on this path. The only woman after his wife, daughter and mother that he will never forget.

Every year, on this date he would always wonder at her final moments. How she must have felt on that night when rain poured like heaven's fury pounding this city. Had she known it was the end? Alone, cold, frightened, bruised, battered with her blood mingling with the filth that made this city; everything about her--- the laughter that gave a room life washed away by the downpour of rain and swept away by the flood. Her smile that only now can only be remembered and never again experienced. She was only twenty years old that night. Such waste.

Would it have made a difference that her death started a chain of events leading up to this moment? Few people would know of Samantha Chen, much less remember her or that she walked this earth albeit briefly.

The man knew, he did not love her.

Samantha Chen was the curve ball that changed his life and so indirectly is responsible for the countless people's lives that he had changed for better or worse. Only a handful would know, the magnificence of the city before them today was because of one woman, like Helen of Troy who launched a thousand ships, Samantha Chen by dying launched an new age. The man knew, history ought to decide whether or not it was for good or ill.

He promised her that he would always remember and had not failed since. Samantha Chen may not have lived long but she would never be forgotten.